Four Percent Group Challenge – Legit or Scam? [Review]

If you are reading this blog that means you are looking to join Four Percent Group Challenge, and you are in search of Fourpercent review which helps you to understand the system.


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The Four Percent Group is a one of the more practical based training platform created by Vick Strizheus.

Before I start….

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Four Percent Group Challenge – Overview

Before Starting Four Percent Review I just want to make it clear that Four Percent Group (4% or 4 Percent) whatever you call it is NOT A SCAM.

This is a supper planned program, which teaches you how to make money online,

Also, it designed in a way that gives you the opportunity to earn from multi-stream of sources if you plan to become an official partner, currently they have more than 2,00,000+ Official business partner (they don’t call them as Affiliate) around the world who is promoting Four Percent Group.

To Join this program you need to become a paid member of this group.

Here is what the back office looks like when you are logged in:

four Percent Group Challenge Dasboard after Login

When you first login after becoming the member you will start your challenge.

These challenges are designed in a way that you will get to take one challenge per day.

Four Percent Group Challenge Daily Dose

This will not only help you to learn continuously also it will give you complete 24 hrs to finish that task, which actually Vick has given to you in the challenge.

This is designed in a way where if you are a newbie or an expert, both will benefit in the same way.

Vick plan is designed in a way that first he will teach how to earn your first $10k which is Level 1 – $10K Challenge then you will move to Level 2 – $100K Challenge, then, at last, you move to last Level 3 – $1M Challenge, as you finish the 1st level, then only level 2 gets opens, each level will be going to have 60 days training in it, which make you expert in this system. Here is how it looks like:

Four Percent Group Challenge Levels

If you are a newbie in Online Money making field then this is one of the best training out there in the market.

Recommended: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online

Vicks Fourpercent training actually teaches you how to start your online business, I think in one word Fourpercent review is just awesome.

If you are planning to build a long-term goal.

It’s not a quick money making scheme, it’s a well thought and planned system to make you RICH if you want. 

It hold your hand and take you to step by step process that you never feel with overloaded with information and within weeks you start seeing that you are making money online.

What I personally like this system that you get your sessions in a way, which first build your mindset, talk about your goal, then ask you to feed your mind with positive energy, then teaches you marketing, then at the end ask you to do some specific action.

These specific actions designed in a way that when you go one by one actually you are building your online footprint, which starts generating income for you in short of the time.

The Four Percent Group- Good Points:

So in this section, I will take you to good points about Four Percent Group, Here are some of the most favourite.

  1. Vick Strizheus – Proven expert marketer and 7-figure a year earner
  2. Proven system
  3. Training
  4. No Unnecessary Upsells (Only tools which you require)
  5. Weekly Training Webinars for FREE
  6. Support

1. Vick Strizheus – Four percent Backbone 

Vick Strizheus income sample

In my opinion, of the most outstanding feature of this program is that It has designed by a proven expert in digital marketing space who actually a 7 figure earner annually, which creates this program more trustworthy and practical actionable.

As Vick shares his own life experience as to how he started in Digital space without any prior experience, Which motivates us to follow the same thing in the same way.

I recommend you this course even if you don’t want to get into an affiliate marketing, and you don’t want to get dirty your hand in Online marketing space still this course is very relevant to you for your own inner space development,

If you follow his steps daily I am sure within 7 Days you start seeing some result from that.

When it comes to Vick, He is one of the online marketers I have seen in marketing space who provided so much valuable content for FREE.

His mission is to TRANSFORM people’s lives.

Vick helps people to overcome their challenge not only in business and finance, with other fields also such as personality development, building Mindset, Belief and Personal Empowerment.  

Recommended: Go here to see my no.1 recommendation for making money online – (This is a 100% free training)

2.Four Percent Proven system:

I feel Four Percent is a proven system, as it recommends you to buy some tools such as click funnel, click magic, Getresponse, Bluehost, Domain to set up your online system, so that you can start driving traffic to your offer and grow your business gradually, and these tools feed in this way in system that you don’t need to promote these products separately, you only need to become there official promotional partner to do that.

The system was designed in a way that actually promotes your affiliate links of these products such as clickfunnel, clickmagick, getresponse, hosting and domain in a way that you will start generating your income through their promotion without any effort 🙂

Yes, you read it correctly, you will get other sources of income without any effort, I have never seen any system like this, which offers you so many multi-stream income opportunities within the system.

Other than Partnership program, it also offers you 3 LEVEL INCOME (MLM Part of this system which is just awesome), which makes it more interesting as your sponsor will get some commision what you do, so your sponsors will start helping you out to reach that success, that is very helpful if you are starting as a newbie. As I feel Vick training is enough for you to get success in this system, but a continuous interaction and engagement of team help you to perform more in your business.

3.4% Training:

The training what you get in Four Percent Group is a proven system, which is followed by Mr Vick to generate his affiliate income when he was working for other affiliate company prior to This.

Four percent is a dream project of Vick, so he never compromises on any information out of there in marketing.

He has there products in Four percent group, The challenge, E-stage and ITM (Internet traffic mastery) in which The challenge is for you to teach you about the process, whereas E-stage is for your Digital hub and last but not the least ITM which teaches you the best methods for traffic generation.

As Vick is expert in traffic mastery, he is working on this traffic mastery program for decades now.

What I really like about the Four Percent Group is that they do not have unwanted up-sales to generate income into their system, they are very focused and the 3 product they offer each you require for your business.

To join this program you have to purchase the challenge package for $49 monthly membership or a one-time payment of $497 for the lifetime membership, this program actually teaches you how to setup your online business in the step by step process.

The training what you get in this is more based on the practical basis, Vick will ask you to implement each strategy, whatever he teaches, so you will get start getting results as you go in this system.

Other than this Vick has updated their partnership program to $197 for the lifetime, If you want to promote this plan you need to be a lifetime member.

This is mainly done like this because Vick want serious entrepreneurs to come into the game and don’t spoil the system with a small entry fee.

If you are serious about making money only you can pick this program for $197, that is worth of the money.

Other than this Fourpercent Group offers you weekly FREE webinars, where Vick teaches you to how to grow your business for Free, later on, these webinars saved into the back office, so new members can go and watch that in any time in future. This help a newbies to learn more and start performing in the system.

4.Fourpercent Support Team:

I must say the support team in Fourpercet is supper, you get their support with in few seconds and they are very helpful, they even help you to fix the issue from their ends

Four Percent Group Challenge – Bad Points

Honestly, there are not many bad points. What I personally feel that their payment system they have given that to Clickbank, and some time clickbank payment system created some mistake, but due to their supper support team, they are able to fix those issue very soon, but some time these kind of payment issue demotivate the customers.  

Being a big company, they should have created their own payment system which gives more support to customers

In the sake of review I should find more negative things but honestly, I am not able to find more bad points regarding four percent system,

Four Percent Group Conclusion – Not a Scam 

I will recommend you this if you are a serious player and looking for a long term business setup, and want to learn concepts to grow your business then this system is for you.

If you are the one who actulay wants to go for a guick money making scheme, and want to earn money as quick as possible then then is not for you.

I personally belive Four percent Group is one of the best course avilabel in the market to grow your business online.

What are you waiting for?  Start your challenge now for Just 1$ for 7 Days Here


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